Inversion Therapy Benefits


Improve Spine Health

One of the primary reasons people experience back pain is due to improper spine alignment. Not adhering to a neutral posture
consistently throughout the day puts unnecessary stress on the spine when it’s misaligned. Gentle massage and light manipulation of the spine are techniques that therapists use to help people relieve compression in the spine, ultimately leading to better spine health over time. Inversion therapy is similar to these approaches, as it carefully inverts the body downward, allowing for gentle stretching from gravity’s pull.

Avoid the need for pain killers

Many people who live with chronic back pain are dependent on prescription painkillers to find relief. Inversion therapy may help people reduce their need for medication by providing a natural pain management solution.A 2013 study looked at 47 women suffering from chronic low back pain and their results after an eight-week inversion therapy program. The participants were divided into three groups that tested the results of inverting at different table angles—0 degrees, 30 degrees and 60 degrees—four times per week for three sets of three-minute inversions each. After the eight-week program, the inverted groups saw significant improvements in their chronic low back pain symptoms. Additionally, the results showed that the inverted groups had greater flexibility in their upper bodies and lumbar areas, meaning they had a better ability to bend forward and touch their toes.

Prevent the need for surgery

Holistic wellness and natural pain management approaches are important for those who are at risk of requiring surgery for their lumbar pain or sciatica. Making lifestyle changes to protect your spine health can help prevent further damage that will eventually require surgical intervention. Inversion therapy could be a good solution for many people who would otherwise need to undergo a surgical procedure.One study looked at how inversion therapy may help patients listed for lumbar surgery. One group of participants received both inversion and physical therapies, while the control group received only physical therapy. In the first group, 77% of participants avoided the need for surgery after undergoing both inversion and physical therapies. Only 22% of participants who underwent physical therapy alone avoided surgery.

Using the Inversion Table

  1. Start by lying fully back on the bed with your hands at your side, or resting on your thighs.
  2. Keeping your hands close to your body, slowly raise one arm before the other allowing the table to rotate backward. Stop, or lower your arms to control the downward rotation of the table.
  3. Raise your arms until they are over your head. At this point, the inversion table will as far back as it can go.
  4. It is recommended that you begin with 1-2 minutes per session and advance slowly only as you feel comfortable. Keep in mind that frequency (inverting more often) is more important than duration (inverting for longer periods)
  5. Return to the upright position by slowly moving your hands back down to your thighs.
Learn how to use speena

The answer depends on you! You should begin with 1-2 minutes per session and advance only as you feel comfortable. Keep in mind that frequency (inverting more often) is more important than duration (inverting for longer periods of time). Over time, work up to 3-5 minutes or as long as it takes for your muscles to relax and release. While there is no predetermined time limit for using your inversion table, it’s important to listen and respond to your body and remember that inversion is about relaxation and enjoyment.

To achieve maximum results, we recommend routinely inverting several times a day. Inversion is a great morning wake-up or evening wind-down in preparation for a good night’s sleep. Incorporate inversion into your fitness routine as a way to recover from high impact, compressive, or rotational activities. Or use your Speena simply as a go-to tool for occasional relief from back pain and tension.